Monday, October 31, 2011

Time to Stop Reacting

Last week during one of my ministry training classes I had this understanding: I have been in a state of reacting to life.  Ever since my husband passed away last November, I have hardly planned a thing.  Every second of my life has been dedicated to one of two situations: what just happened that I need to deal with, or what has to be done by tomorrow.  Its been a reactionary,  last minute life for 11 months.  No wonder I'm stressed! No wonder I am overwhelmed all the time!

In class we were talking about time management and planning.  There was one comment which impacted me more than anything else: If you don't put the important things in first they won't fit!  Basically, if you don't plan, and set time apart for what's important, you'll spend your time doing everything else.

That's exactly what I needed to hear.  I have been so busy reacting, and thinking one task at a time, that I haven't planned in the most important thing: quality time with my son.  I spend my whole day rushing around, accomplishing next to nothing, and feeling overwhelmed because there is so much still to do.  Meanwhile, my son sits there playing on the floor wanting me to play with him.  I'm so busy, it just doesn't happen.  At least not the way I want it to.

I was very good at managing my time when I taught kindergarten.  I was extremely effect and efficient working from a set schedule.  I followed my schedule tightly, and always covered all the material I needed to.  I kept those 5 year olds on a solid routine, and what we were able to accomplish in half a day was amazing! Then when I had my prep time, I had a list of routines I followed: every monday I did the newsletter, every friday I entered test scores, etc.  I got a lot done in a little amount of time and nothing was ever missed.

So I made a decision.  We need a schedule at home!  I know it sounds odd.  For some reason just because I'm home all day, I think we can just ebb and flow, and to be honest its not working.  Instead of time controlling me, I need to start controlling my time. So, on Friday we started a scheduled day! I put the important things in: time with Gabriel and I to play together.  We had book time, table time, and play time.  Then I scheduled a variety of activities for Gabriel, and things which I need to be doing as well.  I followed the clock, and changed activities often.  It was amazing how many things I got done: cleaned the house, did a load of laundry AND put it away, reviewed my finances, blogged, and did my homework 4 days ahead of time!  I wasn't stressed, or overwhelmed and had the most productive day I've had in months! But the best part of the day was the amount of quality time I spent with my son.  After all, I'm all he's got now, and he needs me.  Yes its time... time to stop reacting; time to stop letting life happen, and start making life happen!


  1. Time management continues to be a struggle but it is so true: "There is always time for whatever we put first"! A valuable lesson no matter what season of life we are in! Thanks for the reminder.

  2. Renee, You said it perfectly, no matter what stage of life time management is always a struggle. I'm so grateful for the reminder God gave me, and am happy to pass it on... :)
