Tuesday, January 31, 2012


God is faithful.  He never ceases to amaze me! And He does hear and answer our prayers!

The other day I had seeds of doubt planted in my heart regarding my decision to sell my home.  I knew that God was speaking to me, calling me to do this.  Yet a situation arose that caused me to doubt.  So I asked God to confirm it.  "God I truly believe with my whole heart that I am hearing your voice.  But I want to be sure, will you confirm to me that I am doing the right thing?" No more than 24 hours later as I am reading God's Generals, by Roberts Liardon, for a homework assignment I come across the following:

I stopped in awe.  Could it be any clearer? In case I was doubting God spoke directly to my heart, my exact situation through a hero of the faith who lived over 100 years ago.  I love God! He really is that good.  Even though I knew I was being led by Him, He met me where I was and sent me confirmation that not only was I hearing His voice, but that by following I would touch more people for Him!

God promises us to be that still small voice behind us saying, "this is the way, walk in it!"  Yet even when He does, we may question.  God in His grace and faithfulness, doesn't become irritated and pull back.  No, He comes to our level and continues to speak.  He will often send us a message several times, through several vessels, in several ways, because He loves us that much.  He doesn't want us to miss what He is saying, He desires us to live in His perfect will.  And He takes the time to not only whisper, or speak, but to confirm it as well.  That's my God! And He is amazing!